Paolo Giannozzi
Struttura della materia
Dipartimento di Scienze Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche, Via delle Scienze 206, I-33100 Udine, Italy
Stanza B1 1, tel. (+39)-0432-558216, e-mail: nome.cognome@uniud.it
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Projects and scientific interests
Other current scientific interests:
- Structure and electronic transport in nanostructures
- Simulations of the behavior and reactivity of deep eutectic solvents
- Verification, validation and software for electronic-structure calculations
- Development of new methods for electronic-structure calculations
- Fisica Generale Modulo I per Matematica
- Fisica Moderna per Matematica
- Metodi Numerici per la Struttura Elettronica per Fisica Interateneo (Trieste-Udine)
- (old) Introduzione alla fisica dello stato solido per la Scuola Superiore di Udine
- (old) Metodi Numerici per la Struttura Elettronica per Fisica Computazionale
Short CV
1958 Born in Poggibonsi (Siena, Italy)
1982 Laurea (Degree) in Physics, Università di Pisa (Italy)
1988 Docteur ès Sciences (Ph.D.), Université de Lausanne (Switzerland)
1992 Ricercatore (assistant professor) at Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
2006 Professor ("associato") at Università di Udine
2013 Fellow of the American Physical Society, Division of Computational Physics
2024 Full professor, Università di Udine
Recent Publications
- Reactive natural deep eutectic solvents increase selectivity and efficiency of lipase catalyzed esterification of carbohydrate polyols, A. R. Buzatu, M. A. Soler, S. Fortuna, O. Ozkilinc, D. M. Dreava, I. Bitcan, V. Badea, P. Giannozzi, F. Fogolari, L. Gardossi, F. Peter, A. Todea, C. G. Boeriu, Catalysis Today 426, 114373 (2024)
- Quantum ESPRESSO: one further step towards the exascale, I. Carnimeo, F. Affinito, S. Baroni, O. Baseggio, L. Bellentani, R. Bertossa, P. Delugas, F. Ferrari Ruffino, S. Orlandini, F. Spiga, and P. Giannozzi, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 19, 6992 (2023)
- Engineering of metal-MoS2 contacts to overcome Fermi level pinning, P. Khakbaz, F. Driussi, P. Giannozzi, A. Gambi, D. Esseni, Solid-State Electronics 194, 108378 (2022).
- Measuring Shared Electrons in Extended Molecular Systems: Covalent Bonds from Plane-Wave Representation of Wave Function, G. La Penna, D. Tiana, P. Giannozzi, Molecules 23, 4044 (2021).
- Unit cell restricted Bloch functions basis for first-principle transport models: Theory and application, M. G. Pala, P. Giannozzi, D. Esseni, Phys. Rev. B 102, 045410 (2020).
Complete list of publications in the "catalogo AIR".